

10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BABIES๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ Hello my reader friends.Today  Dr. Vijaya is going to tell you about some amazing facts about our babies.  1. Babies have 3 times more taste buds than adults, 10,000 to be precise.  2. Baby's eyes are almost as big as adult's.  3. Baby's teeth starts growing 6 months before they are born.  4. All babies are COLOUR BLIND at birth. They can see only black & white.  5. Babies are born with the ability to SWIM. Actually a reflex called BRADYCARDIAC RESPONSE makes babies hold their breath & open their eyes when submerged in water that makes it look like they are SWIMMING EXPERTS.  6. A newborn's vision only allows to see people & objects at their clearest when they are within 8-12 inches away.  7. A human foetus is able to heal it's mother's wounds or damaged organs by sending stem cells.  8. Babies are born without KNEE CAPS, but structures of cartilage that


  SCIENCE BEHIND "SOLAH SHRINGAAR". HELLO MY READER FRIENDS. TODAY DR. VIJAYA IS GOING TO TELL U ABOUT OUR ANCIENT INDIAN RITUAL- " SOLAH SHRINGAAR. SOLAH means sixteen & SHRINGAAR means make up or adornments. Solah shringaar is the 16 basic steps of beautification of married women of INDIA from head to toe. It is a part of INDIAN tradition & culture but it also includes scientific facts.  Everything in the INDIAN culture is purely based on SCIENCE. If we observe closely then every tradition help us for our PHYSICAL & MENTAL WELL BEING. Let's see how ???  1st   -   UBTAN UBTAN is a paste of sandalwood powder, turmeric powder, milk, rose water etc. This is an organic face & body scrub in INDIA. It not only removes the dirt & tan from face & body & makes the body glowing but also improves the blood circulation & provides relaxation.  2nd - SINDOOR SINDOOR contains turmeric, lime & a minute level of mercur


25 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT OUR BODY Hello friends, we all love our body.  Our body is a MIRACULOUS WONDERLAND & So much of it is still a mystery to us. Let's know some WONDERFUL FACTS about our body.  1. Our body contains enough FAT to make 7 bars of soap ๐Ÿงผ๐Ÿงผ 2. Our MOUTH ๐Ÿ‘„ produces enough SALIVA in our lifetime to fill 2 swimming pools ๐ŸŠ‍♀๐ŸŠ 3. Our NOSE ๐Ÿ‘ƒ can recognize a TRILLION different scents.  4. Thumbs ๐Ÿ‘ have their own pulse.  5. TONGUE ๐Ÿ‘… PRINTS are as unique as finger prints.  6. TEETH ๐Ÿฆท are the only part of our body which can't heal themselves.  7. Humans are BIOLUMINESCENT . Our bodies give off a tiny amount of  light ๐Ÿ’ก that's too weak to see.  8. Our CORNEA ๐Ÿ‘ is the only part of the body with no blood supply. It gets its OXYGEN directly from the AIR.  9. We are TALLER about 8 mm in the MORNING than we are at is because the cartilage between our bones ๐Ÿฆด๐Ÿฆดis compressed throughout the day.  10. We can't BREAT


COLOUR THERAPY HEALING (CHROMOTHERAPY)  Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet doesn't contain all the beautiful colours of the RAINBOW for no reason.  Nothing on this world is here just by chance, everything is here for a purpose. All we need to do is TO HIGHTEN OUR AWARENESS of energy of colours & how it can transform our lives.  WHAT IS COLOUR THERAPY Colour Therapy is an alternative therapy that uses colours & their frequencies to heal physical & emotional problems.  Colour therapy is also known as CHROMOTHERAPY or COLOUR HEALING.  The goal of this therapy is to correct PHYSIOLOGICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL IMBALANCES.  It involves the use of colours & light to stimulate well being.  **COLOUR THERAPY IS A TOTALLY HOLISTIC & NON INVASIVE THERAPY** ORIGIN OF CHROMOTHERAPY The exact origin of CHROMOTHERAPY are lost in time. There are records of colour being used as therapy in several civilizations around the world.  In an